Rockfall barriers and responsibility

Find out more about the IT and European legislation on protection barriers.

Recovery and Resilience Facility (Italian program)

The threats caused by hydrogeological instability especially in Italy, aggravated by the effects of climate change, undermine the safety of human life, the protection of productive activities, ecosystems, and biodiversity, environmental and archaeological assets, agriculture, and tourism. To reduce emergency interventions, which are increasingly necessary due to frequent disasters, it is necessary to intervene in a preventive way through a wide and widespread program of structural and non-structural measures.

In addition to structural interventions aimed at securing landslides or reducing the risk of flooding, there are also non-structural measures, provided for the water and flood risk management plans, focusing on land maintenance, retraining, monitoring, and prevention. The goal is to secure millions of people at risk.

In disaster-stricken areas, damaged structures and infrastructure will be restored. Residual risk reduction interventions will be carried out to protect public and private safety, in line with existing programming and planning tools.

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